I hope you enjoy your read and please feel free to comment on anything :)

Thanks for visiting me & my Blog - see you again soon!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Hellllooooooo My Friends :)

I know, it's been waaaaay too long since my last "Hello" - sorry about that - it's been a lil busy, but I guess like every one's life - BUSY, but you have to make the time! Speaking of life, it's been pretty good...happy...eventful...and enjoyable :)) I've been on a good work-out plan...trying to stick to it and trying to get into shape! It's seems like a slow process, but again, it's making it a priority and fitting it into an already busy schedule. Instead of working-out today, I had a 3-hour nap this afternoon (haha) - I obviously needed it!! I NEVER take naps anymore, especially for 3 hours! Garrett was also napping at the same time, so it was nice n' quiet :)

Well, I'll send some more updates soon...sooner rather than later this time (heehee), along with some more recent photos.
Oh ya' - 2 years today...I'LL BE 4O YEARS OLD - Wahoooooooo!! :))

Until next time...have sweet dreams and a fabulous week ahead!

Yours Very Truly,