I hope you enjoy your read and please feel free to comment on anything :)
Thanks for visiting me & my Blog - see you again soon!!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Our First Dance....
Monday night, November 22nd....around dinner time....listening to the oldie station...the "Eye of the Tiger" came on, so of course I turned it up (haha)....started to dance....a crazy dance because how else can you dance to "Eye of the Tiger"....and there it was....our son, Garrett, started to also dance....so, I held his 2 little hands and we danced...moving slowly to the the beat, side to side and around n' around...his little feet...one going up and one going down, so I started to dance just like him...it was the best thing ever and completely made my day!!!!!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Fall is Definitely Here....
And I think that started awhile ago...the leaves have been changing color...you can smell Autumn in the air and feel the crisp, cool wind on your face....ahhhh - time for warm, cozy sweaters...along with Pumpkin Spice Latte's from Starbucks!!!!
Yes my friends, again...it's been awhile...summer came and went, although...summer wasn't much of summer this year - we had the craziest weather EVER! Does anyone disagree with that??
We're already 8 1/2 months into 2010 - WOW!!
All the kids are back in school...time to think about Halloween...and Christmas (yikes)...already started my Christmas shopping (haha)!
Our son, Garrett, turned 21 months old yesterday...he's well on his way to turning 2 years old, after that...no more age by "months", but by "years"...
Some "Girl" time this weekend and so looking forward to it - all us Mom's need a break :)
Thursday, June 17, 2010
TELLING details
These are my telling details...great idea from my latest Chatelaine magazine...
I define downtime as...
lying on my bed with a stack of magazines, just savouring the silence.
I wish I had more time for...
my friends.
The last time I lost my temper was...
last night (haha)! I'm allowed to be over-tired ;)
My favourite moment of the day is...
checking on my son before going to bed.
My guiltiest pleasure is...
chips n' dip! Always n' forever.
My perfect day would be...
with my husband and son, away from the craziness of everyday life,
so probably a trip to the mountains :)
I can't live without...
my family.
My spouse and I always disagree about...
money. He likes to save it, I like to spend it!
I define downtime as...
lying on my bed with a stack of magazines, just savouring the silence.
I wish I had more time for...
my friends.
The last time I lost my temper was...
last night (haha)! I'm allowed to be over-tired ;)
My favourite moment of the day is...
checking on my son before going to bed.
My guiltiest pleasure is...
chips n' dip! Always n' forever.
My perfect day would be...
with my husband and son, away from the craziness of everyday life,
so probably a trip to the mountains :)
I can't live without...
my family.
My spouse and I always disagree about...
money. He likes to save it, I like to spend it!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day!
I can't help it mom -
Because I am so small
And always leave my fingerprints
On furniture and walls.
But every day I'm growing -
I'll be grown some day
And all those tiny handprints
Will surely fade away.
So here's a little handprint
Just so you can recall
Exactly how my fingers looked
When I was very small.
Happy Mother's Day Mommy!
Love , Your baby boy!
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hellllooooooo My Friends :)
I know, it's been waaaaay too long since my last "Hello" - sorry about that - it's been a lil busy, but I guess like every one's life - BUSY, but you have to make the time! Speaking of life, it's been pretty good...happy...eventful...and enjoyable :)) I've been on a good work-out plan...trying to stick to it and trying to get into shape! It's seems like a slow process, but again, it's making it a priority and fitting it into an already busy schedule. Instead of working-out today, I had a 3-hour nap this afternoon (haha) - I obviously needed it!! I NEVER take naps anymore, especially for 3 hours! Garrett was also napping at the same time, so it was nice n' quiet :)
Well, I'll send some more updates soon...sooner rather than later this time (heehee), along with some more recent photos.
Oh ya' - 2 years today...I'LL BE 4O YEARS OLD - Wahoooooooo!! :))
Until next time...have sweet dreams and a fabulous week ahead!
Yours Very Truly,
Monday, March 1, 2010
Quite the little character!!
Would like to share some photos of Mr. Garrett Carter Smith, who is turning into quite the little character these days!! These photos were taken on Valentine's Day, another day, another excuse...to take more pictures of our boy!
Yesterday, he was my little cuddlier...1st thing in the morning, finishing his bottle of milk (which he calls, "Nay Nay") in bed with Mommy and yesterday afternoon, while watching the men's Olympic hockey and Canada winning the Gold - very intense game at the end there - WOW!!! Congratulations Canada!!!!!
You have to cherish these moments - ALL OF THEM!!!!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
It's Valentine's Day...can you feel the love in the air...? What does Valentine's mean to you?
Hugs...Kisses...Flowers...Chocolates...Cards...Something Cute...Something Soft...Romance...Hearts...Dinner...Dancing...Classic Love Songs...Love Letters...Love Stories...Something Lacey...Something Racey...Candles...Bubble Baths...Soft Music...Red Wine...Celebration of Love...Engagement...Wedding...Anniversary...the color of Red...the color of Pink...Lovers...Friends...Family...maybe All of the Above...
Whatever it means to you...I hope you have a Happy One!!!!
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday Evening :) A picture taken a couple of weeks ago...GO FLAMES GO! This is my son, Garrett with his little buddy, Carter - he has Garrett's middle name as his 1st name :) :)
Have a good week everyone...stay warm, be safe and guess what next Sunday is...........Valentine's Day!
Monday, January 25, 2010
With family and friends...relax and savour every minute of your time together...as we all know...life is busy, busy, busy and you have to make the most of it!
We, as women, seem to also not have enough time to do it ALL and we want to...correct me, if I'm wrong?? For example, I haven't had time to Blog for over a week now or I can't seem to fit it into my crazy schedule, BUT here I am...Blogging at work (haha)!! Don't worry, it's over my lunch hour :)
Whatever you do with your time...be happy with what you are doing and don't fuss about it.
It's funny...time can mean so many different things..."time flies" and you don't want it too because you're having too much fun and sometimes...you can't speed-up "time" fast enough because something bad has happened or something has made you sad and you want to get over it already!
Whatever the reason is - we can't control it - "time" is just there.
"Time is always changing. Time never stands
still. Time is continuous, and not stationary. Time changes our perceptions, and
our perceptions of time change continuously. Time is infinite; change is
essential to time."
With family and friends...relax and savour every minute of your time together...as we all know...life is busy, busy, busy and you have to make the most of it!
We, as women, seem to also not have enough time to do it ALL and we want to...correct me, if I'm wrong?? For example, I haven't had time to Blog for over a week now or I can't seem to fit it into my crazy schedule, BUT here I am...Blogging at work (haha)!! Don't worry, it's over my lunch hour :)
Whatever you do with your time...be happy with what you are doing and don't fuss about it.
It's funny...time can mean so many different things..."time flies" and you don't want it too because you're having too much fun and sometimes...you can't speed-up "time" fast enough because something bad has happened or something has made you sad and you want to get over it already!
Whatever the reason is - we can't control it - "time" is just there.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Friends Are Beautiful!

'Yes' - that's right...my friends are beautiful - inside & out...I'm VERY lucky to have such lovely ladies in my life!!!! You really know who your true friends are, especially the older you get...they are there for you...through the good and the bad - no matter what...and they never judge you! Girlfriends are a powerful thing and the ones that matter most...will stick around forever :)
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Here we go...let's see if we can make this year a successful one!
- Get Back to Pre-Prego Shape...it's been over a year now...have lost most of the weight (still have about another 15 pounds to go...), but now it's time to firm-up and be a bit more strict with my eating habits, less sugar and more fibre!
- Pay-Off DEBT...this added-up, while being on mat-leave, so now it's time to pay it off and hoping by Spring...maybe April - my lucky month :)
- EXERCISE...using my new Wii Fit Plus, that is...I started last night and I must say - I'm going to love it - lots of options and a lot of FUN!! It's also been over a year, since I've done any exercising (except walking & running after Garrett) - yikes!
- Read & FINISH A Book...I know...this one sounds a lil' silly, BUT I always seem to have so many distractions and other stuff I want to read - I have a stack of stuff I want to read! So, we'll pick...Twilight and you never know what will come after that... ;)
- Learn to Play Guitar...I actually have a guitar and have had it for awhile! I've always wanted to learn how to play...both my Dad & my brother play and very well, so I'm hoping I'll pick it up in no time!
- Don't Worry About Tomorrow...focus on TODAY! I think too many of us worry about what tomorrow will bring when we have today...just be happy and enjoy being with your family and friends :) :)
- Communicate Better...this is a big one..."communicating" - can be a tough one! Some of us keep things to ourselves, some of us are too busy to make a phone call that we've been wanting to make for a long time...just take a few minutes out of your day and make the call - that person would love to hear from you and it's nice to hear a "voice" once in awhile too!!
- Stop Wasting Time...I seem to dwell on stuff that isn't important or stuff that is in the past and there is not a whole lot I can do about it! I want to stop wasting my time on that and focus on now :) Personally, I think "wasting time" burns waaaay too much energy!
- Make More Photo Albums...I'm sooooooo far behind (haha)!! I have everything pretty much ready to go - I just need to get on it! I do need to develop more photo's, but once I do that...I'll have pictures to look at that will be cheerished forever :) :)
- Spend As Much "Quality" Time with My Family...as possible! As we all know - 2009 came and went VERY quickly!! This one is the most important to me because family (and friends) is everything!!!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Not as hard as I thought...
My first two days at work have been really good, actually - it's kinda' nice to be back :) It definitely is a lil' weird and I'm outta' sorts, but time will fix that! And Garrett is having SO much fun at his new Day Home, which Mommy is very happy about - he is in great hands :) :)
2010 is full of excitement already...lots on the go...lots of new stuff happening and we're only in the first week! I still need to work on my New Year's Resolutions...that'll be my next "project"...I have my Resolutions on the brain (along with everything else), so my next step is to write them down, share them and make it happen.
I think this is going to be a good year - a positive one...after all, it is a new decade!!
2010 is full of excitement already...lots on the go...lots of new stuff happening and we're only in the first week! I still need to work on my New Year's Resolutions...that'll be my next "project"...I have my Resolutions on the brain (along with everything else), so my next step is to write them down, share them and make it happen.
I think this is going to be a good year - a positive one...after all, it is a new decade!!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Hard to go back...
...the thought of going back to work (after being on mat-leave for a year) TOMORROW, that is...! I was or thought I was okay, until a lil' while ago...it hit me...ugh...I'll sure miss being home with my baby Garrett (he'll always be my "baby")...just a sad night & kinda' quiet, especially now that Garrett has gone to bed. I know tomorrow will be a better day...I just have to get through it...
Until next time...Hugs :)
Until next time...Hugs :)
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Another New Year...2010 - Let it ROCK!!!
Hi Everyone :) I'm new to this Blogging stuff, so bare with me...I've been thinking about doing it for sometime now...just didn't really know how to go about it or where to start, so here I am! Happy 2nd day of 2010 & I hope to keep-up with my Blog & have fun with it!!
I wanted to write yesterday, but didn't get the chance - THAT'S my problem...seems like I don't have anytime for "ME" anymore!!!!! I absolutely LOVE being a Mom though, so that definitely isn't my problem! I go back to work on Monday - blah, but who knows...maybe it'll be good for me...I do like my job, so that's a plus :)
So, I'm pretty excited about this whole Blogging idea...I guess it's because it is something for me and my own time to get away from all the craziness of everyday life...this will be kinda' like a journal, but maybe not quite as personal. I'm also going to countdown the days to when I'm turning 40...looking forward to it actually, so if there are any of you out there that want to join me in my countdown - please do!! :) :)
Hmmmm, what is it at now...2 years, 3 months and 10 days away...??
I wanted to write yesterday, but didn't get the chance - THAT'S my problem...seems like I don't have anytime for "ME" anymore!!!!! I absolutely LOVE being a Mom though, so that definitely isn't my problem! I go back to work on Monday - blah, but who knows...maybe it'll be good for me...I do like my job, so that's a plus :)
So, I'm pretty excited about this whole Blogging idea...I guess it's because it is something for me and my own time to get away from all the craziness of everyday life...this will be kinda' like a journal, but maybe not quite as personal. I'm also going to countdown the days to when I'm turning 40...looking forward to it actually, so if there are any of you out there that want to join me in my countdown - please do!! :) :)
Hmmmm, what is it at now...2 years, 3 months and 10 days away...??
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